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This is a very common question for couples seeking a divorce! The traditional assumption is that you both need to get lawyers to sort everything out, then go to court to let the judge decide. The primary key of divorce mediation is to AVOID court, expensive lawyer fees, and come to a peaceful conclusion. There are a lot of issues to be worked out depending on your situation such as:

Child Support
Spousal Support
Property Division
And even Pets!

The ultimate goal is to not have to spend thousands of unnecessary dollars to reach a final martial settle agreement.


This is the primary reason couples use divorce mediation, is the cost. It is a fraction of using a divorce attorney or divorce lawyer. Using a traditional divorce lawyer can cost you a lot of money and fees often get up to $15,000+ or even a lot higher depending on the complexity of your case.

With a divorce mediator, the cost typically comes out to be about $3,000-$7,000. In rare cases does it exceed $7,000 but some circumstances can exceed that amount if you have a really complex case.

Avoid Court

We get it, no one likes to go to court. Judges can vary based on their personality and bias, though we like to assume all judges don’t have bias, this is not always the case. With mediation, you can come to an agreement in the comforts of your home via a Zoom meeting, but mediation is also available for in-person meetings to go over everything.


With divorce mediation a very important item is “time”. With a divorce litigator the hourly costs can arise as the 2 sides hash things out before going to court. And if a settlement isn’t reached, can continue hashing things out for maybe months on end. Divorce mediation puts a stop to this and tries to come to a conclusion in a fairly timely manner if both parties are open to communication and cooperation.

Work for Both Parties

When each person gets their own attorney or lawyer, that lawyer will be working specifically for that person. This can create a disconnect between the 2 as they end up disliking each other over attorney and attorney fees.

With divorce mediation, WE DON’T take sides. We work for both sides, hearing each individual out, understanding the issues such as child support, or property division for example, and work on behalf of both parties, ultimately where the term “mediation” comes in.

But please don’t feel lost. Call us today for a 30-minute consultation and see if divorce mediation is right for you! Or fill out our confidential online form.

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Why Choose A Fair Way

  • Clients Never Go To Court
  • Flexible Appointment Schedule
  • Fair Pricing
  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley