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A Fair Way
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San Diego Prenuptial Agreement Mediator

Begin Your Marriage on the Right Foot

Prenuptial agreements are designed to help the couple entering a marriage with a feeling of security and comfort. More often than not though, they cause more stress than comfort. Having the initial conversation can be difficult, then leading in to creating a pre-nuptial agreement can put strains on a relationship. No couples want to start the marriage with a feeling of insecurity. A Fair Way Mediation can help mediate and draft the prenuptial agreement, explaining to both parties how it works and how it benefits them both.

A prenuptial agreement may prevent future economic hardships between the couple, if it is not drafted correctly it can do far more damage than good.

The Benefits of Prenuptial Agreement Mediation

Pre-nuptial agreements are designed solely to protect the rights of the individual in regards to money and assets.

When you ask a lawyer for a pre-nuptial agreemnt, they will create a restrictive document that may or may not reflect your feelings about entering the marriage. By asking your spouse to sign a document asking them to put themselves in a potentially financial disadvantage that may result in hurt feelins or jeopardize the marriage before it begins.

How Premarital Mediation Works

Mediation involves one or more sessions during which you and your future partner sit down with a member of our team. During each session, you can discuss:

Current and future assets
Financial expectations
Spousal support
Marital property and debt
Tax issues
Other marital expectations, such as child rearing

The mediator can guide your discussion and work with you to come up with fair and mutually acceptable solutions. It may take several sessions to finish crafting your premarital agreement.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley