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One of the biggest benefits of going through divorce mediation, is that YOU WILL NOT have to go to court and deal with the stresses that come with that situation. This is why many couples decide to go with a divorce mediator (outside of the other benefits). Everything is settled on your time and the final decisions are made by you, not a judge.

Please fill out our “Ask the Mediator” form or give us a call!


COVID has really put a halt to the court proceedings, with some cases lasting months before a judge is even able to hear your case and situation. What can be settled in a matter of weeks, can last months and in some cases years before the martial settlement agreement is finalized.

So what is San Diego Divorce Mediation Without Court?

Divorce mediation, in its simplest form, is a neutral 3rd party that helps facilitate the communication between the couple to work towards a peaceful and mutual agreement to finalize the marriage. The mediator will make sure the various issues and topics are considered whether its child support, debt consolidation, property division, spousal support, and much more! Rich Gordon Is an accomplished mediator that has helped 100s of couples through San Diego and Southern California come to a peaceful agreement and help them move on with their lives.

But again, not having to go to court is a huge advantage of divorce mediation. You don’t have to have lawyers communicate with each other and then hash things out in front of a judge. It can be settled privately and out of court. Mediation simply involves couples in the same room or even via phone, zoom, or email if that’s how proceedings need to work.

We Represent both Parties and DO NOT TAKE SIDES

Unlike traditional divorce lawyers, who are hired by each side to represent their interests, as the divorce mediator, we do not take sides. Each side is allowed to communicate with the other without having to spend thousands of dollars in fees just for lawyers to negotiate with each other.

Divorce mediation is not a substitute for marriage counseling. The goal of divorce mediation is stop the fighting between the couple over issues that will be sorted out in a court. You will lose the privacy of your divorce through the court system.

If you would like to schedule a mediation or if you have more questions, feel free to contact our office. A Fair Way Mediation will conduct mediation between parties in a divorce.


Or you can fill out our “Ask the Mediator” form and provide us some information and we will get back to you promptly!

Ask the Mediator

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Why Choose A Fair Way

  • Clients Never Go To Court
  • Flexible Appointment Schedule
  • Fair Pricing
  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley