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Divorce can be not only difficult, so can the stress that comes with a divorce. If you are looking for a qualified and experienced San Diego divorce mediator, please call A Fair Way Mediation today! For over 3 decades we have been helping San Diego couples obtain a peaceful and affordable divorce, without having to go to court. We have over 3 decades of experience navigating complex divorce issues and we have seen it all and can provide the insight ot you both throughout the process, the best part is, WE DO NOT TAKE SIDES.

For a free consultation, please fill out our 'Start Evaluation' form or give us a call!


When compared to divorce litigation, mediation has become a very popular route for couples looking for an affordable divorce. While a litigated divore may cost around $25,000+ for each individual, mediation usually comes in on average about $3,000 - $7,000 (depending on the complexity of the issues). If couples are able to communicate, the divorce process can be finished anywhere between 3-5 weeks. With litigation it can take up to 6 months to finally be seen in court, and a few more months after that to go in front of the court again to receive a final judgement. Most couples understand they don't want or need a long drawn out divorce, but also understand how important it is to make the final resolution mutually beneficial. This is exactly what divorce mediation strives for.

Experienced San Diego Divorce Mediator

As mentioned above, when it comes to choosing the right San Diego divorce mediator, experience matters! We are one of San Diego's longest mediatoin practicing firms helping San Diegans and couples throughout California with divorce mediation services. We have seen every possible situation and helped couples through some of the most complex issues that can really prolong the divorce process, and also create the most heated emotions in the divorce. This is especially true when children are involved.

Just a few of the many issues we can help you with:

Property Division
Child Support
Military Divorce
Same Sex Divorce
High Asset Divorce
Pet Mediation
and much more!

San Diego Divorce Mediator: Help

Bottom line, you are looking for help. A Fair Way Mediation helps couples work out their own marital settlement agreements ensuring that all issues are covered including equitable distribution (IE: division of marital assets and liabilities). If children are involved, we will work closely with you both to create a parenting plan and visitation agreement that is realistic for both of you The goal is NOT to end up in court with a judge weighing his decision on what each of the lawyers has presented for their clients. We actually discuss child-sharing schedules, child activities, medical, and much more.

Ultimately if you are looking for the right San Diego divorce mediator who is experienced and can help you both cross the finish line without having to go to court or spend many hours in contentious lawyer meetings.

We offer a free consultation to allow you to ask questions and allow us to understand your situation. Fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or call today!


Ask the Mediator

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Online Evaluation Form
and receive a free
30 minute consultation

Click here and tell us
how can we help you.

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Why Choose A Fair Way

  • Clients Never Go To Court
  • Flexible Appointment Schedule
  • Fair Pricing
  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley