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A Fair Way
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San Diego Divorce Help

Here at A Fair Way Mediation, we have become one of San Diego's top resources for divorce mediation services.  If you and your spouse are looking for help for your divorce, please contact us.  We take a friendly approach to divorce, helping couples navigate the divorce process and work out very complex divorce issues such as property divisoin, child support, retirement divsion just to name a few of the many issues.  

You both may be in complete agreement to get a divorce or you may have reached this point due to a desperate need to separate.  Whatever your situation may be, our friendly and peaceful approach to divorce will help you both get closure and move on with your lives.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


All couples are different and have various situations that need to be resolved.  We can help provide the right path forward.  Are mediation techniques are specifically suited for your personal situation.  

Common San Diego Divorce Help Questions


Are you looking for an experienced mediator to help you both through the process?

Are you both looking to avoid going to court and letting a judge make the final decision?

Do you need help working on the marital settlement agreement paperwork to file with the courts?

Do you need an experienced, caring family mediator to represent you through your family law court case?

Are you looking to get a divorce without having to spend thousands of dollars?

We know there are still a wide array of questions but if these are just some of the general questions you have in mind, please contact us to determine if mediation is the right path for you.  We know that individuals want to protect their children, have their own personal goals in mind, and our goal is to get everyone involved on a path to a great life!

When you choose a divorce mediator, they will act like a neutral 3rd party.  At A Fair Way Mediation, we DO NOT TAKE SIDES.  Each side is given the opportunity to talk about what they feel instead of having to communicate through a divorce lawyer.  Putting the power BACK in your hands.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley