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For over 30 years A Fair Way Mediation has been helping couples in Rancho Mirage with divorce mediation services. We are local to Rancho Mirage and take pride in helping residents in this area that are in need of a peaceful and affordable divorce to get the help they need. We work as a neutral 3rd party to help you and your spouse navigate the complex issues that can come with a divorce, such as child support, property division, spousal support, and any other issues that may affect the outcome of your divorce. When both parties work together, not only will you save money, but the divorce will come to a peaceful ending.

We offer a free consultation, fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call to discuss your needs!


Here at A Fair Way Mediation, we have a commitment to you and your spouse to help mitigate any emotional and stressful court proceedings that may occur should lawyers be brought in to the mix. The same issues can be discussed and often times the same outcome, at a fraction of the price! Mediation also helps keep things peaceful, we aren't here to take either side but work towards a solution that is good for both parties.

Get Divorce Help


The team at A Fair Way Mediation is not only skilled, but we are compassionate and trained to work as an impartial facilitator of proceedings. We will work with both you and your spouse through all issues, no matter how complex they may seem! With divorce mediation, it is smart to think outside the box. With effective communication and problem-solving, we will allow you both to get creative to have an end goal in mind that will work for both of you post-divorce.

Common Issues in a Divorce

Every couples situation is different, which is why we don't take a one size fits all approach. Some divorces are very complex involving children, businesses, and multiple properties, and some are very easy to navigate as both couples already have a general idea as to how they want to proceed.

Child Support
Property Division
Retirement Distribution
Spousal Support
And even Pet Mediation!

Benefits Mediation Provides

There are a variety of reasons to choose mediation over litigation, but the 2 most common benefits why couples choose mediation include:

Cost and Time

Many couples choose mediation over the litigation route because of the affordable costs. With litigation, each side has to get their own lawyer and these fees can easily exceed $25,000+ (per person), depending on how long it will take for lawyers to negotiate. Couples often aren't aware the fees they are being charged by a lawyer until the process is complete and can be blindsided by a bill that exceeds what they were expecting. Mediation is a straightforward approach with no hidden fees. The average cost of a mediated divorce ranges between $3500 - $7500 depending on the complexity of the case and the couple's ability to communicate effectively. This fee is also split between the couple which makes it a very cost-effective solution.

Peaceful Environment

Divorce can already be stressful, and having to go to court can make this stress grow. With mediation, all discussions and agreements are settled out of court. Once the agreement has been finalized, the couple will submit the paperwork to the court for review and approval. Another disadvantage when couples go to court is that the proceedings become public record, but with divorce mediation all discussions and the final agreement are kept private.

Divorce Mediation Key Articles

Managing Fears During a Divorce

Excerpt:  As with any divorce situation, fear plays a very important role in each of the individuals going through a divorce. It also can be a difficult obstacle to a peaceful resolution and mutually beneficial final agreement. During the early stages of a divorce, individuals struggle with the thought of divorce because the world they have been accustomed to is about to change. This is especially relevant when there is one person in the relationship who doesn't want to divorce.


In today's growing world of technology, it is not uncommon for A Fair Way Mediation to help couples with divorce mediation services in a "virtual" setting. We have successfully helped 100s of couples obtain the same results as they would in person, via an online setting such as messenger chat, zoom video, skype, and good ol' fashioned conference calls. This works especially well when either couples are aren't able to get along well in person, or they are no longer living near each other and need to complete the divorce virtually.


Mediation offers a peaceful alternative to the often aggressive and stressful courtroom battles. It’s also the fastest, least expensive and most efficient way to work through the divorce process. Mediation requires a professional mediator who acts as a Neutral Third Party throughout the divorce process. A skilled mediator actively listens to both spouses, and guides the parties through the divorce process with the ultimate goal of a fair, reasonable and equitable Marital Settlement Agreement which is acceptable to the couple. 

About A Fair Way Mediation

A Fair Way Mediation has helped couples to mediate a successful and positive divorce for over 30 years. Our experience includes success with domestic partnerships, traditional, military, same sex, and alternative relationships. Our mediators are skilled in all the technologies of virtual mediation and will guide you through the process. Mediation also works non-criminal disputes such as landlord tenant, family, and HOA issues. We mediate issues throughout Palm Springs, Riverside County and San Diego.

We offer a free consultation, fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call to discuss your needs!


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Why Choose A Fair Way

  • Clients Never Go To Court
  • Flexible Appointment Schedule
  • Fair Pricing
  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley