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A Fair Way
Call Today! 619-702-9174

Professional Divorce Mediator San Diego

Regain Control. Remain Amicable. Save Money.

When you are in need of a professional divorce mediator in San Diego, A Fair Way Mediation has been helping couples with divorce issues for over 3 decades!  Our professional approach has helped couples get an affordable and peaceful divorce, allowing them to move on with their lives.  There is no need for the divorce to proceed to the courts and public domain when you can get the same issues resolved in a discrete manner.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


As you may already be experiencing, divorce can be very emotional and stressful.  A Fair Way Mediation can help minimize the emotions and stress by providing a peacefu atmosphere to help you both navigate the issues.  With a common goal in mind, for both of you to move on with your lives, divorce mediation will take out the stress as you both will be able to discuss the issues at your own time and will.

We Can Help With All Divorce Situations

The bottom line, if getting a divorce was easy, couples wouldn’t be in need of a professional mediator. The team at A Fair Way can help resolve all issues at a fraction of the cost!

Situations Include:

You have a high conflict relationship
You have a large/complicated estate
You and your spouse have a hard time agreeing or even being in the same room
You or your spouse has their own business
Your spouse is more financially savvy than you or you don’t understand your marital financial situation
You want to keep your settlement confidential
You have spousal and/or child support and visitation issues
Your spouse has been unfaithful
You would like assistance with filing pre or post nuptial issues

The decisions you make now will create your future for each of you!  Allowing you both to move on with your lives!

For a free consultation, please fill out our 'Start Evaluation" form or give us a call!


2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley