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As pets become very engrained in to our lives, we treat them llike family members! It can be very stressful to have to part ways with your pet, especially when you have become very close to it. When it comes to "pet custody", the process can be very confusing for couples going through a divorce and discussing their pet situation. Here at A Fair Way Mediation, we understand the love for pets and have experience in helping couples sort out an agreement when it comes to their pets.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or call us today!


It's not surprising for pets to be an area of contention in ad ivorce, it is very common for us to get asked about pet custody issues and how they can sort them out. We can all relate to the emotional connection to a pet and losing an animal can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.

Pet Custody Mediation

Before AB 2605 in California law, pets were treated like community property, simply divvied up between the couple having a divorce. They were viewed as inanimate objects such as a car or a painting. Whoever purchased, rescued, or adopted the animal was usually awarded ownership. There was no legal guidance on visitation or custody schedules, though some judges would make decisions on ownership based on the best opportunity for the pets care.

As of January 1, 2019, judges may now assign "sole or joint ownership of a pet animal taking into conideration the care of the pet animal." This basically means that a judge will take in to account what's best for the bet in terms of care and award either sole or shared custody. The judge may even give temporary custody to one party during the separation.

Pet Mediation May be the Right Solution!

When it comes to pets being involved, a divorce may become even more complex and stressful. Emotions will certainly come in to play and can divert attention from the overall goals, for you both to find an agreement and move on with your lives.

Remember, pets don't have to be used as pawns in the divorce, and we certainly understand the love for pets. But we can help craft a pet agreement through mediation that will keep your pet's best interests at heart and to help you get a peaceful divorce.

For a free consultation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or give us a call today!


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  • Case Settled On Your Time, Not the Courts

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