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A Fair Way
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How To Save Money On A Divorce

Most couples get married because they are in love. They plan a wedding, decide where to live, maybe think about children. The top concern on their minds is likely not divorce and the issues that go with it because that just isn’t going to happen…right? Not true.

Divorce does happen in nearly half of all marriages in the U.S.

Higher Impact on Stay-at-Home Spouse

Divorce can have a higher financial impact on the spouse who stays at home. Though two income households are the norm now, women are still more likely to be the ones who give up their careers and source of income to stay home with the children, and less likely to seek divorce. National Public Radio (NPR) reports, “For every 1% increase in unemployment, the divorce rate decreases by 1%”. For example, if the spouse who stays at home has no income of their own, they rely on their spouse for their sole source of income, and those in abusive relationships may also be too fearful to ask for a divorce.

Mediation Saves Money and Eliminates Problems

In an ideal situation, couples would consider the possibility of a divorce and make plans for it at the same time they plan their wedding. Prior to marriage, decisions on important issues such as children, income, and property distribution should be made. Those preferences can then be put into a prenuptial agreement, a legal document that specifies the wishes of each spouse. Prenuptial agreements (prenups) common with the wealthy, are now more common in average U.S. marriages. Mediation works perfectly to help couples develop a prenup customized to their unique situation.

Mediation is much less expensive than a law office with costly attorney fees. It encourages open communication without conflict. Through gentle guidance a skilled mediator leads couples through a thoughtful and open process that encourages the couple to think about the critical issues of marriage and their expectations for each issue. They may include: separate and joint income, properties, businesses, career expectations, and the needs of current and future children. Each one will be considered carefully and with the couples’ best interests in mind. If you’re in the planning stages of your wedding, or contemplating a divorce, mediation is a valuable tool in our current pandemic situation. All that A Fair Way Mediation offers is available without leaving your home. Stay safe and achieve successful sessions with Zoom, Skype and video chat. Complete our online request for a free online evaluation. Receive a free 30-minute consultation at or call 760-227-5090 / 619-702-9174.

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