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Moving On And Starting Over In The Spring Post-Divorce

Divorce can be one of the hardest experiences you go through in your lifetime. However, it also marks the start of a new beginning for you with a limitless number of possibilities. There is absolutely no better season to take advantage of this new chapter in your life than the Spring, the season of rebirth.

Winter is often long and dreary and can make things feel even worse than they actually are. But Spring offers a fresh start; as things begin to thaw and the sun sprouts, you are left feeling refreshed and invigorated. Bring this energy into your life post-divorce to help you both move on and start over fresh

Moving On and Starting Over in the Spring Post-Divorce

If you’re recently divorced, then it might take some more time to begin the process of moving on. Still, there are steps you can take now to jumpstart the process and set yourself up for success as time goes on. For example, utilizing divorce mediation help can offer you solutions without stress and can allow you to work out a plan for any potential future disputes.

Another important consideration to make that’ll help you move on and start over is housing. The house you shared with your former spouse will be contested in the divorce proceedings and mediation. Keep in mind that continuing to live in a home you made memories in can be difficult during the aftermath of the divorce.


With that in mind, you should begin looking for new housing that you can make completely your own. Remember, you’re buying this new home by yourself so you need to take things like your personal affordability and what credit score you need to buy a house into consideration.

From there, you have complete freedom to make the space uniquely yours. You can now surround yourself with new furniture and decor that matches your personal style. Plus, this will give you the room to entertain to your desires. With warm weather comes more opportunities to surround yourself with people who you care about.

After divorce, you’ll come to rely more so on your family and several close friends. Those already existing relationships can be your saving grace as you enter this new chapter. Having these people around will make the transition less lonely and give you the opportunity to express your true feelings to someone who understands the situation.

You should also use this time to expand your circle. This can be done through divorce support groups, attending classes based on your hobbies, or just making it a point to go out and be social a couple times a week. Whether it’s with old friends or new, it’s important for you to reclaim your social life after divorce so you have some form of support.

The location will also play a factor in your ability to move on. Sometimes the best way to get a fresh start is by starting over in someplace new. The best part about this new time in your life is that you have plenty of options available for you to explore so you can feel reborn with the Spring.

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