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What’s trending in marriages these days? Prenups are on the rise and guess who’s leading the way? Those super trend-setting millennials of course! A recent article in the Business Insider reports, “There’s been a 63% spike in people opting for prenups that experts say is being driven by millennials.”

Why Prenups?

A prenup/prenuptial agreement is a legal document produced prior to a marriage that outlines how an engaged couple will divide their assets should they divorce. Experts say millennials are waiting later, often into their 30’s, to get married. By that time many men and women in the workplace have accumulated a certain amount of wealth that they want to protect. Unlike in past generations, when women sometimes stayed at home or only worked part-time, both males and females are in the workforce and equal pay for equal work is often the norm. Both partners want to protect what they’ve earned.

A prenup appeals to millennials because in the event of a divorce, it offers both men and women the ability to protect the assets they bring into the marriage, and in turn protect themselves financially. One-third of millennials grew up with divorced parents, and have seen and lived through the consequences of what can happen when a prenup is not in place. Insecurity and fear may be further fueled because many began their careers in 2008’s economic instability that produced a less than secure workplace.

Mediation and Prenups---the Perfect Match

Mediation is the perfect tool to use to make a prenuptial agreement. With mediation:

The couple has control over the process
Couples protect their independence
Equability and fairness is insured
Unnecessary costs are avoided

A skilled mediator guides the couple, but gives the couple control over the process. The goal is always a fair and equitable solution for everyone.

When you’re ready to make your prenuptial agreement, contact A Fair Way Mediation Center. Complete our online request for a free online evaluation, or to receive a free 30-minute consultation visit us a or call 760-227-5090 / 619-702-9174.

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