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A Fair Way
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Just like marriages, when domestic partnerships start to unravel, differences on issues such as division of property, assets, and child custody come into play. It doesn’t mean you have to go to court to resolve those issues. Who better knows the story of your life together then the two of you? Certainly not a judge. A far better alternative for dissolving a domestic partnership is through mediation.

California Law Supports Domestic Partnership

Fortunately California law recognizes domestic partnerships. Some states do not. The Federal Government only safeguards rights for same sex marriage, not domestic partnerships. Federal protections offer same sex couples the benefits of marriage under state law, but not other federal protections such as Social Security survivor benefits, tax benefits, workplace benefits, and more. If you travel to another state that doesn’t recognize domestic partnerships, your protections under California law do not apply.

Mediation Prevents the Pain---Saves Time and Money

Mediation offers the best way out of a domestic partnership that isn’t working anymore. Most couples in a marriage or domestic partnership have good times and bad times. Mediation helps you concentrate on the good and not to dwell on the bad. The mediator acts as an impartial guide to keep couples focused on the issues, and lead them to settle disputes without contention. The mediator does not make the decisions and does not force couples to agree to anything. Couples make their own decisions.

Mediation avoids lengthy, costly, complex court cases, and more often achieves an outcome where all parties are satisfied. It saves both money and time, and particularly if children are involved, preserves a working relationship.

Want to see if Mediation is Right for You?

For more than 25 years, A Fair Way Mediation has been helping couples with relationship issues to produce a peaceful, positive resolution to divorce or other relationship issues. Our mediation experience includes success with domestic partnerships, traditional marriages, same sex marriages, and alternative relationships.

Mediation is a voluntary process and both parties in the relationship must be willing to try mediation. Our free thirty minute consultation with both parties involved, will help you decide if you want to try mediation. For a free evaluation, call us at 760-227-5090 / 619-702-9174. Complete an online request to receive a free 30 minute consultation at:

2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

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Coachella Valley