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A Fair Way
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Affordable Divorce Palm Desert

Having helped couples through the divorce process for over 3 decades, we understand how stressful a divorce can be for couples. But it doesn't have to be! At A Fair Way Mediation, we provided a calm environment to work out the issues at hand, allowing each individual the opportunity to discuss what their goals are until everything comes to a mutual agreement. Unlike litigation where things can get messy, WE DO NOT TAKE SIDES. This ensures a fair process for each individual. Our goal is to take the stress out of the divorce process and find a path for you both to be able to move on with your lives!

For a free evaluation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or call us today!


Affordable Divorce Help in Palm Desert

When couples go the litigation route, this can get expensive. Litigated divorces when you each have to get your own lawyer and this can easily exceed $25,000+ per person. When couples choose divorce mediation the average cost is about $3500 - $6500 and ultimately you will come out with the same outcome.

The best part is, divorce mediation puts the power back in YOUR hands. You won't have to go to court where a judge will ultimately decide the outcome. Going to court can be stressful, you aren't sure whether the judge understands the full situation, and ultimately each side is out to "win", this is where it can get messy. With mediation, all issues are settled out of court on your own terms.

Lastly, when couples go the litigation route, it can take up to 8 months to finally see a judge. Whereas with divorce mediation, the entire process takes anywhere between 3-6 weeks depending on the compelexity of the case and issues involved.

Affordable Divorce Palm Desert Issues We Help Navigate

Child Support
Property Division
Retirement Distribution
Spousal Support
And evenPet Mediation!

For a free evaluation, please fill out our "Start Evaluation" form or call us today!


2 Locations - San Diego and Palm Springs

San Diego

Coachella Valley