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Whether deployed or not, every military couple faces a number of challenges that usually have a negative impact on their personal and professional lives. These challenges can often turn into serious divorce problems that have the full potential to make the situation even worse.

The divorce procedure is likely to be a little more problematic for you in case you or your partner serve in the military. It involves numerous rules that govern the basic activities, including the decision regarding where you can file the divorce, calculation of spousal and child support and pensions, determination of child custody, and division of property and assets. Since military members have special rules and responsibilities, divorce becomes a critical subject for military spouses and their children.

File For Divorce

While managing a military divorce, you may have to make a few critical choices. A military couple is allowed to file for divorce in the region where the military partner is deployed. However, if you choose to avail military divorce mediation services, then you can resolve your issues outside the court without getting involved in time-consuming and unpleasant court procedures.

Child Custody

The rules related to child custody issues are typically controlled by individual states. Since most laws vary across the country, military parents usually pay the price.

Deciding child custody is one of the most challenging aspects of any divorce. This decision gets even more difficult for military members as they experience frequent deployments. In such conditions, mediation can help military couples avoid court battles and resolve their problems successfully.

Children and Spousal Support

Military personnel have to support their children financially as well as emotionally. If you, being a military parent, fail to support your children, then the military has the full authority to bring charges against you. Military spouses have to follow certain rules that affect support agreements and concerned amounts. Mediation is the perfect means to understand and comply with these rules.

Pension Rights

Almost all military divisions offer a number of benefits and rights, such as life insurance, medical benefits, and pension rights. Division of military pensions is an issue that requires special expertise. Make sure to choose a reliable and trained mediator to cope with such stressful and disagreeable divorce issues.

It is never easy to end a relationship. Being a military couple, you and your spouse should look for an expert mediator who can help you avoid emotional trauma and reach an agreement.

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